Welcome to Understanding the Times

This site provides concise pamphlets which demonstrate the extraordinary relevance of the Biblical Prophets for our modern world.

Though at one level the pamphlets can be seen as straightforward bible exposition of the Prophets, the main intent is to convey through the articles a living prophetic word which I believe God is speaking to our generation, a word particularly of severe judgement, but a word also of hope.

The booklets also examine the “hope” beyond judgement offered by the prophets and particularly the hope which they offer of Jesus the Messiah. There are studies of Jesus as prophesied and pre-figured in the Old Testament prophets and writings.

There is also a selection of pamphlets which address personal spiritual foundations which are necessary for the times in which we live.

The pamphlets are A4double sided in PDF and can be printed. There is also an audio version for most of the pamphlets.

For further background see “About the Author

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